An amateur web & software developer who mainly works on languages and linguistics, and sometimes music and mathematics.
I have been fascinated by programming, music, language and linguistics from an early age. I specialise in the development of web (front-end) and mobile applications both as a professional pursuit and a personal hobby – in my spare time, I develop tools related to language and music, and contribute to open source projects.
幼い頃からプログラミング・音楽・言語・言語学に魅了されてきたウェブ(フロントエンド)とモバイルアプリ開発を専門としているデベロッパー。余暇の個人開発としては言語や音楽に関連するツールを中心に作っていて、OSS 活動もしています。
In addition to my commitment as a developer, I enjoy learning languages and studying linguistics, as well as playing the piano, drums and creating musical scores.
Featured Works
- TypeDuck 粵語拼音輸入法 Cantonese Input Methodhttps://typeduck.hk
- 粵拼輸入法下載網站 Jyutping IME Download Websitehttps://jyutping.net
- 香港圍頭話及客家話文字轉語音(TTS)朗讀應用程式https://hkilang.github.io/TTS/
- 網頁 Websitehttps://gwaiyukfong.com
- Pull Request to TypeScript Repository: Correct Errors of Octal and Bad Escape Sequenceshttps://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/pull/51837
- Pull Request to TypeScript Repository: Provide Syntax Checking for Regular Expressionshttps://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/pull/55600
- NPM Packagehttps://npmjs.com/package/ndarray-methods
- ChordWiki 用コード譜エディター Tool for Chord Sheets Editinghttps://chordlistener.com/editor/
- 從中古漢語推導粵語及普通話讀音 Prediction of Modern Pronunciations from Middle Chinesehttps://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Module:ltc-pron/predict
- 切韻音系自動推導器 Tool for Pronunciations Extrapolation from Middle Chinesehttps://nk2028.shn.hk/tshet-uinh-autoderiver/
- Ideographic Research Group (ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG2/IRG)表意文字小組
- Cantonese Computational Linguistics Infrastructure Development Workgroup (CanCLID)粵語計算語言學基礎建設組
- nk2028開發計算語言學工具,尤其是中日韓越歷史語言學相關工具
- 香港本土語言保育協會Association for Conservation of Hong Kong Indigenous Languages
- hon9kon9ize香港人工智能技術研究社羣
- ChordWiki Maintenance Team日本歌詞和弦譜 wiki 網站維護團隊
Knowledge & Skills
Awards & Qualifications
Old Stuffs
- Cantonese to Hangul Converter 粵語拼音諺文轉換器Wikipedia User Page 維基百科用户頁:韓國外來語表記法:粵語
- Cantonese to IPA Converter
- Cantonese to Kana Converter 広東語拼音→カタカナ変換
- Hangul to IPA Converter
- Hangul to Kana Converter ハングル→カタカナ変換
- Hangul to Phonetic Hangul Converter
- Pinyin to Hangul Converter 漢語拼音諺文轉換器Wikipedia User Page 維基百科用户頁:普通話諺文
- Pinyin to IPA Converter
- Wikipedia User Page 維基百科用户頁:英語母語者用粵語拼音
- Wikipedia User Page 維基百科用户頁:Hong Kong English