形素叢集graphemeclusterぐらふぃーむopal Grafîmjan Kuwapinla .grafim.
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An amateur web & software developer who mainly works on languages and linguistics, and sometimes music and mathematics.

I have been fascinated by programming, music, language and linguistics from an early age. I specialise in the development of web (front-end) and mobile applications both as a professional pursuit and a personal hobby – in my spare time, I develop tools related to language and music, and contribute to open source projects.


幼い頃からプログラミング・音楽・言語・言語学に魅了されてきたウェブ(フロントエンド)とモバイルアプリ開発を専門としているデベロッパー。余暇の個人開発としては言語や音楽に関連するツールを中心に作っていて、OSS 活動もしています。

In addition to my commitment as a developer, I enjoy learning languages and studying linguistics, as well as playing the piano, drums and creating musical scores.



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